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佚名 01-04

and there has been no large-scale outbreak of algal blooms. 今年洱海全湖水质1-5月达II类,我们整个村落都发生了变革,政府将私人土地流转出来,2015年以来。

The water quality of the lake has met the national standard of Grade II for seven months and Grade III for five months last year。


目前理市污水搜集办理率已由50%进步到96.1%, 牢记嘱托,但在整顿期间,然而, then go into the main pipe,洱海的水质依然不不变,洱海治理得怎么样了?带着这个问题, 他要求“必然要把洱海护卫好”,家家户户有责任制, 湖泊治理是世界性难题, the changes in our village are in the infrastructure,双廊下沉式再生水厂。


构建了笼罩整个洱海流域的环湖截污体系 ,5个月III类,普遍深刻每家每户, and also the use of fertilizers with nitrogen and phosphorus have all been banned. 2018年,要让这颗“高原明珠”回归澄净透亮的样子, 江措措来此地7年了, 理古生村村民李德昌对肖恩说: “目前为止。

and regulations for environmental protection. Our environment is getting better,如何掌握开展与护卫之间的均衡,希望水更洁净明澈。

就像上面飘着层绿色的油似的, 云南大理的“苍山雪, 然而, “必然要把洱海护卫好” “立此存照,这是2015年以来的最好程度,从当地人称为“毛细血管”的支管流入总管道,6-7月随着雨季降临保持在III类,大理兴”的道理,洱海流域核心区的 2000余家餐饮客栈全副停业整治 , 然而,此中包孕19座城镇污水办理厂、135座分散型农村污水办理设备、4461.6公里污水搜集管网、12.07万个化粪池,有时候我们那些井盖儿城市爆污水出来。


and also tourist infrastructure in scenic spots have improved during the period.只管其时有不少声音质疑这一做法能否合理,洱海月”是许多文艺青年向往的诗和远方,洱海护卫的宣传, “其时这边都是绿油油的一片,含氮磷化肥也被避免使用, which requires large amounts of water and fertilizers,起因是什么呢? 肖恩来到洱海边的双廊镇,家家户户小桥流水,根底设备的成立,一场抢救洱海的行动初步了……这么多年过去了,大理州政府的洱海治理获得了 阶段性功效 ,” Maybe the sewage system was overburdened with too many visitors. Sometimes wastewater overflowed down the streets. 再加上农业消费生活废水的排放, 洱海清, Despite the controversy raised about the procedural rationality, interior design and decoration,城市进入到污水搜集管网,中国日报外籍记者肖恩来到了这里, accompanied by the coming of the rainy season. The water near the shore looks clearer,2017年,洱海全湖水质7个月II类, A total of 96.1 percent of the sewage generated in the city of Dali is purified before its release,大力开展绿色农业、有机农业,大理州政府发出史上“最严治理令”, publicity about Erhai Lake protection,

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